Open every day: 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM

The animals of Parrot World

Where do the parrots in the park come from?

There is no capture of animals from the wild, as this is prohibited by the Washington Convention. The parrots in the park come from shelters or other wildlife parks. Some parrots also come from private individuals who wanted to part with them and offer them a second, better life among their own kind in a vast living space where they can fly freely and live as birds should.

Where do the other animals in the park come from?

The animals in the park have not been taken from their natural habitat, as this is prohibited by the Washington Convention. They come from exchanges between French or European wildlife parks. Collaboration between animal parks is essential as it helps with the breeding of endangered species and prevents inbreeding within the same species.

Can we feed the animals in the park?

The animals in the park are provided with a varied and balanced diet approved by a veterinarian. For their well-being and out of respect for them, we ask visitors not to feed the animals. Any external food could be harmful to their health.


However, it is possible to feed the animals during activities offered by Parrot World, such as "Feeding the Penguins," "Keeper for a Day," or "Junior Keeper."

Can we touch the animals?

For your safety, it is forbidden to touch the animals in the park, except for the animals in the children's ranch. The park's animals may interpret your gesture as an attack and may try to defend themselves. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the specific rules displayed in the immersive areas.

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